BEVERLY HILLS—The city of Beverly Hills is implementing an extensive community outreach campaign to present the proposed Solid Waste Rate Adjustments that the Beverly Hills City Council will consider at the public hearing scheduled for Tuesday, October 27, at 7 p.m.

The city’s solid waste service charges have remained the same since 2011, despite the addition of state mandated programs like organics processing and several changes in the price of landfill disposal and recycling and organics.

According to the city of Beverly Hills website, the rates for solid waste services are proposed to increase to make generate revenues to help deliver high quality services to the community.

This proposal is to keep up with increase in the rates of all the solid waste including collection, recycling processing, disposal at landfills and other facilities, equipment, fuel charges, public outreach, and state mandated solid waste diversion programs including organics recycling.

In addition, sales of recyclable materials generate revenue to reduce rates and avoid cost and impacts of disposal at landfills. Recent changes to international policies restricting imports of recyclable materials and declining global market value for recyclables have resulted in a significant decline in their sale.

According to the new changes, residents will be billed bi-monthly, per square foot area and homes with at least 40 percent of unusable hillside are charged at the hillside area rate per square foot of lot area.

-Multi-family residents (including duplexes) are billed bi-monthly per unit.

-Multi-family residents who place their solid waste in shared 300-gallon containers in the alley will pay alley maintenance for all service by alleys.

The fee pays for the bi-monthly debris removal and sweeping. Commercial customer charges are calculated using rates based on container size, number of containers, type of container, frequency of pick-up.

Residents and businesses can see the changes to their bills via “Bill Impact Calculator” that the city provides and get additional information at: