Tag: Internet

Computer Outage Mayhem

UNITED STATES—There was some chaos this past week that should be a learning lesson to us all. Computers are not as great as we...

Customer Service Gone Wrong

UNITED STATES—I’m about to tell you a story that is going to baffle you and trust me I mean it. I am sometimes too...

Feedback Wanted About The Future Of Municipal Fiber Broadband Access

WEST HOLLYWOOD—The city of West Hollywood announced in a press release on Wednesday, December 13 that they have started development of a municipal fiber...

Living Without Power

UNITED STATES—You don’t realize the good that you have until you don’t have it. Recent bad weather in my region caused me to lose...

Lowering Your Monthly Expenses

UNITED STATES—I know I am not the only person who is tired of the skyrocketing costs each month when it comes to utilities (water,...

Life Without Electricity!

UNITED STATES—You never know how much you miss something until you don’t have it. Who would have imagined that an unexpected storm would completely...

Scrutiny In Public Opinion

UNITED STATES─We have all been told that we have the Freedom of Speech, and while that is true for the most part, there are...

Faulty Technology Frustration

UNITED STATES─I know for a fact that I am not the only person who gets super frustrated when technology goes haywire. It’s like the...

Time Warner Cable Settles Internet Speed Dispute For $18.8 Million

CALIFORNIA—Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey announced on Thursday, February 20 that Time Warner Cable LLC completed a historic settlement on behalf of...

MyMedicare.gov Account Is Important To Processing Medicare Claims

UNITED STATES—Dear Toni, my husband recently retired from his job and because I’m over 65, I needed to sign up for Medicare. I had...

Big Blue Bus Adds WiFi, Real-Time Arrival Signs

SANTA MONICA—The Big Blue Bus will be standardizing all new buses with Wi-Fi and installing solar-powered real-time signs and LED lights for improved arrival...

Technology Stops Sleep

UNITED STATES—I said the one thing I planned to do more of in 2019 was to get more sleep. We’re only seven days into...

Cutting The Cable Cord

UNITED STATES—I have heard so much talk from so many people I know in recent months about Cable. I feel like I’m the only...

Simple Ways To Make Money Online

UNITED STATES—The digital era has changes our lives in many different ways. We have changed the way in which we shop, enjoy entertainment, work,...

Cellphone Mayhem

UNITED STATES—Technology is continuing to advance day after day, week after week, month after month. I recall 10 years ago the cell phone existed,...

Why Seniors Are Drawn To Online Dating

UNITED STATES—There are many myths bandied about when it comes to relationships. One popular one perpetrated by younger people is that individuals are ‘over...

Lackluster Customer Service

UNITED STATES—Customer service, what happened to it? I remember the golden days where it was apparent that businesses and companies cared greatly about how...

Reasons To Start Video Chatting

UNITED STATES—Why do more and more girls and guys prefer video chat to acquaintance in real life? Vast opportunities, a chance to meet like-minded...

Do You Pay The Bill?

UNITED STATES—As adults many of us are fully aware that if there are basic essentials you want to have you have to pay for...

Living Without Electricity

UNITED STATES—It’s amazing how we take things for granted in life. The basic essentials like water, air, light, gas, food, clothing and shelter just...
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