Tag: rest

Trying To Get Sleep Is Hard

UNITED STATES—I have been dealing with a major issue in the past few weeks that is beyond having a damper on my ability to...

The Battle To Get Sleep

UNITED STATES—I really don’t know what to do at this point. For the past few months I have been battling internally to try to...

A Perfect Night Of Sleep

UNITED STATES—I absolutely cannot believe what transpired to me this week. For the first time, in nearly 6 months I had what I would...

Can Burnout Lead To Better Sleep?

UNITED STATES—It has been a question I have been asking myself for years: what can I do to get better sleep? Should I go...

Digital Detox

UNITED STATES—I need a digital detox, I feel like I need it now more than ever. Every single time I think I have a...

How To Get Quality Sleep

UNITED STATES—I have not had a good quality sleep in nearly 2 months. When I say that I’m being dead serious because it seems...

Go To Sleep Early, Sleep Better!?

UNITED STATES—There is something that I have had trouble with as long as I have lived: sleeping. I think it really started when I...

Being Sick Sucks America!

UNITED STATES—I rarely get sick America, but when I do get sick it tends to be pretty bad. I recently came down with an...

Quick Naps Are The Best

UNITED STATES─Naps, I think they are God’s gift to those of us who are workaholics. I talk to people all the time about sleep,...

Making The Most Of Free Time

UNITED STATES─America let’s have a blunt conversation; how often do you have free time in your schedule. If you’re asking me it’s rare, and...

Getting Better Sleep

UNITED STATES—The past two weeks have been one hell of a challenge for me. If there is one thing I value more than family,...

Late Night Sleep Tantrums

UNITED STATES—I have to have perhaps one of the worst sleep patterns in the world. Some days are great, others are terrible. I think...

Rest Is Needed

UNITED STATES—I’m starting to realize in life that you sometimes can do way too much. I’d like to think I’m a superhero who can...

The Frustration With Being Ill

HOLLYWOOD—I tell this to people all the time so I have no trouble being a bit frank with my audience. I rarely get ill...

Grappling When You Are Feeling Blue

UNITED STATES—Feeling sick is NEVER a good feeling for any person. I mean this month I have been sick twice, yes I said it...

Sleep Deprivation Woes

UNITED STATES—Sleep, it is the one thing that is so important to everyone’s daily lives. Too many of us, we are running into situations...

Why Americans Take Less Vacation Time

UNITED STATES—It’s sad to even acknowledge that the summer months are quickly dwindling down and before you know it school will be back in...

Evolution Of: Understanding Sleep

UNITED STATES—As technology evolves, so does our understanding of the world around us and there is NO DOUBT that health and the human body...
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