Tag: spending

Credit Card APRs On The Rise

UNITED STATES—What the hell America? I recently got a letter in the mail from one of my retail credit cards that I have had...

Resisting Impulse Purchases

UNITED STATES—I know I am not the only person who suffers from it, I’m referring to impulse purchases. I feel sometimes we have this...

Spending Money With Caution

UNITED STATES—Money, money, money, it is the one thing that most Americans are always vying for. Money gives you the freedom to do things...

Why Do Some People Like Spending YOUR Money?

UNITED STATES—Do you have that family member that tends to hover around you whenever you spend money? If not, I’m going to share a...

After Christmas Sales Not What You Think

UNITED STATES—It is official America, Christmas is over. Yeah, you might be thinking, why are you so happy about that? Well, Christmas can just...

The Black Friday Experience

UNITED STATES—It has been tradition for my family that we shop the day after Thanksgiving for as long as I can recall. The past...

Black Friday Has Changed For The Better

UNITED STATES—It's official, the holiday shopping season is upon us, and it is time to start spending money, but you need to be aware...

Not Letting The Credit Card Tempt You

UNITED STATES—We are in that time of year where money is spent swift and fast. I’m not referring to just cash and debit cards....

Keeping The Christmas Spending To A Limit

UNITED STATES—Why is it when some of us start our Christmas shopping, we get out of hand so quickly we don’t realize it until...

Kids Can Cost You Plenty Of Money

UNITED STATES—So many people say the cost of kids can really put a strain on your wallet. I’m starting to understand that more and...

The Thrill Of A Good Deal

UNITED STATES—I recently heard some people talking about the thrill of getting a good deal. However, they followed that up with the downside, spending...

When Young Adults Should Become Adults!

UNITED STATES—It is a conversation I think we should be having more often. Why are some young adults not being introduced into adulthood a...

The Impulse Purchase Problem

UNITED STATES—Are you someone that buys on impulse? You see it, you want it and you just buy it? Perhaps that is a vast...

Be Smart With Spending Over The Holidays

UNITED STATES—We have talked a lot about the holidays in recent weeks, but with that said, the one thing we have not talked about...

Money Spending Craze For The Holidays

UNITED STATES—The holidays are upon us rather we want them to be or not. So what does that mean? Americans are spending more money...

Money Really Does Not Grow On Trees!

UNITED STATES—How do you teach children the value of a dollar? It seems plenty of children nowadays seem to think that money actually grows...

Is The Deal A Steal?

UNITED STATES—I heard some discussions this week from people about the comparisons in relationships between the person who is the saver and who is...

You Do Not Have To Buy Because Of A Sale

UNITED STATES—Oh America, we just love to spend money. That is a conclusion that I have come to realize. There are some of us...

Tax Refund Coming What Will You Do?

UNITED STATES—Tax season is upon us in full force. For many Americans, we are in the process of receiving tax returns. Others we will...

Retail Therapy

UNITED STATES—We all engage in it, some much more than others, I’m talking about retail therapy. It seems in 2020 during the thick of...
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