UNITED STATES—Technology’s impact has been tremendous, but one of the most significant ways it has improved people’s lives is through medicine’s advances. It has made people healthier, increasing their expected lifespan. And as the 21st century moves on, expect to continue seeing advances in medicine. Here are a few of the most important ones to know about.


Telemedicine involves using online methods to advance healthcare practices. There are many reasons more people are turning to telehealth. For instance, some areas do not have adequate access to doctors’ offices or hospitals, so it is easier for patients to meet a doctor virtually. Plus, telehealth is cost-effective. And patients discharged from hospitals or intensive care units can have telehealth follow-up appointments, potentially allowing them to heal faster. One example of telehealth is the ability for patients to get medical marijuana card evaluations online. States such as Oklahoma have medical marijuana programs that allow those with severe medical conditions to find relief. Getting your MMJ card in Oklahoma City or Broken Arrow is easy with discreet telemedicine. That simplifies the process, and most applicants will qualify if they have a chronic or severe illness.

Wearable Technology

Wearable devices collect information from the user, allowing both patients and doctors to assess the wearer’s health. Older people might have devices that alert doctors or caregivers to severe medical conditions. But even healthy people can benefit from wearables. For instance, fitness trackers allow wearers to track exercise and other data. That will enable people to have a more active role in their health care. Consider fitness devices. Many people who start an exercise program eventually will stop doing it after a while. One of the top reasons for quitting exercise is a lack of motivation. However, with a fitness device, you’re less likely to stop the program. The devices make workouts seem more like a fun activity than something you have to do. And you can look at your progress with a simple click, which will further increase your motivation.

Improved Disease Control and Healthcare

New types of software are making it easier to classify diseases and their symptoms and causes. That way, researchers and professionals can use that information to control infections. Software is also critical in billing patients to reduce paperwork. As more healthcare facilities use electronic records, doctors and patients alike find that the system offers a higher degree of transparency.

Improved Efficiency and Care

Technology has dramatically improved patient care, especially when it comes to smartphones making it easier for doctors and patients to connect. Information technology has made it safer to care for people. You can expect to get more reliable care today than in the past. For example, many doctors and nurses use hand-held computers. Those can record information from patients and upload it to a database. It is also possible to easily record vital signs and lab data to a central location, which has increased the efficiency with which patients are treated. With more efficiency, researchers can access a large amount of patient data, allowing them to discover new treatment methods. Technology has allowed them to make more medical breakthroughs.