UNITED STATES—Is there ever a thing as having too much candy? Well, after trick-or-treating with my nieces I think I can say yes. Why? Talk about having nearly 5 pounds of candy each between the two of them that is a total of 10 pounds of candy. I mean a Halloween bag was full to the top with candy, and that’s not including the Halloween pail that was full of candy as well. I guess I get it, wait scratch that I totally get it. As a kid I was the same way, we couldn’t wait to go trick-or-treating and the notion of getting candy was the biggest treat every year.

I mean you have chocolate and then you have sugary candy. Tell me what’s the better option? I would assume a dentist would tell you chocolate because sugary candy can get stuck in the teeth and lead to cavities and issues with the teeth and gums.

Long story short, kids will be eating a lot of candy in the coming days, but as a parent what do you do? The kid wants that candy and will fight you tooth and nail if you attempt to take it away from them people. I don’t know what it is about children when it comes to Halloween candy, but they guard it like their life. They will ensure you don’t touch it, they have to have that bag of candy by them, they want to eat the candy as soon as they get it and they DO NOT WANT YOU TOUCHING A SINGLE PIECE without their permission.

I mean you are talking to the guy who is here doing all in his power to ensure the kiddos don’t get tired trick-or-treating. I mean we did 3 blocks, but these were long blocks. Any food I consumed the day before and the day of, I literally burned those calories during all that walking and carrying one of my nieces on my shoulders’ because the bag of candy she had was too heavy.

Yeah, I started something with the carrying that I could NOT stop, no matter how hard I tried people. I mean jeez, I couldn’t even get a single piece of candy without the kids literally wanting to rip my head off. You’d think they have no idea if you snuck just one piece. Nope, nope, they know how many pieces of this and that they have and if you take one, you will NOT hear the end of it. You know what I rather not hear the cries or see the tears, so the guy who did the heavy lifting will just do without it.

I guess that is the thing about Halloween: as a kid you have no idea how bad all that sugar is for your teeth. As an adult, you KNOW how bad all that sugar is for the teeth and as a result you try to stay away from it and curb those you know, not to indulge in so much sweetness and sugar. It is not good for you in the long run, no matter how much you tell yourself otherwise.

Here is the good thing about Halloween, it only comes once a year, and after about a week kids don’t care about the candy as much and that is a good thing. You can donate it and give those chocolate and sugary treats away.

Written By Jason Jones