UNITED STATES—Described as having twisted plots, topsy-turvy dialogue, and story themes that extend human-thinking ‘out-of-the-box,’ Barry Ghabaei, the creator of Wondrous Fiction, has pioneered a genre of fiction where, in his words, “No rules exist!”

After completing his MFA dissertation in “Ewbanism” (he coined this term) Barry sailed the seas of deep study and meditation only to discover a genre of writing where the writer is allowed to tell a story, completely unhindered by the mechanical construct of English.

“We all have a story to write,” Barry explains, “But many of us get hindered by the mechanics of English. These mechanical devices include things such as plot structure, grammar, spelling, syntax, and so on. In Wondrous Fiction, the only rule is to write with your true Voice, and not be so concerned about the mechanics. The overall outcome is a sensational wave of emotional clarity and catharsis.”

Many of the American mid-twentieth Century writers such as Kerouac, Salinger, Hemingway, can compare such a style of writing to the “stream-of-consciousness,” where the writer figuratively hemorrhages words on paper without hesitation or second-thought. In a similar way, Wondrous Fiction opens channels of expression. But, also, by not experiencing anxiety over the mere mistakes, or feeling intimidated by the sophistication in writing, Wondrous Fiction embraces the pure “Voice” of the story, and allows anyone, and absolutely anyone to sit down and free themselves on paper.

Barry’s purpose of creating such a genre is for those children, teens, and even adults who feel despondent and despoiled in Writing-Confidence. Those individuals who wish to write something, yet feel that they can’t because they’re poor spellers, or poor writers, grammatically, or poor at structuring solid plots…whatever the case may be, Wondrous Fiction is made to unbind these individuals from these fears, and give them the incentive to not only write, but to publish their work with their true, unadulterated literary Voice.

In his own words, Barry Ghabaei explains, especially about troubled teens and victims of violence, that “Someone has to stand up and say that it’s okay to them. It’s okay to make these English mistakes.”

He continues to say, “Because in the end, we would rather see these kids writing a story with their own inner true Voice, than stepping foot into some permanent legal mud.”

Currently working on his twelfth published book, Barry Ghabaei has sought out to complete at least 35 books in his writing career. Having true writing talent, his stories continue to spread smiles on people’s faces with its wit and humor. Available online at Amazon or Barnes and Noble, he welcomes readers to dive into his short stories and explore his wondrous, wondrous world.

His website is www.booksbybarry.com and emails can be sent to readbarrysbooks@gmail.com.