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UNITED STATES—It's normal for businesses to take out a loan now and then, whether they’re startups or established businesses. Business loans are among the options that help entrepreneurs get the capital they need to start or grow their businesses....
UNITED STATES—The Forex market has plenty of intricacies that may hamper your progress. Price patterns and strategies will get you nowhere if the entries are random. Entry is a crucial element of every session regardless of your experience. It...
UNITED STATES—With the advancement of technology, money counting machines have become an essential tool for every business. It could be that you run a small business such as a retail shop or a hotel, or a large establishment such...
CALIFORNIA—On January 21, the Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) announced that they will launch a Small Business Stabilization Loan Program, starting January 28. A $10 million business recovery assistance fund is making the loan program possible provided by the...
UNITED STATES—Here in this guide, individuals are going to know what essential things they should learn about bitcoin before taking the first step. Firstly, everyone needs to know that it is the most popular cryptocurrency, which was invested in...
BEVERLY HILLS—Los Angeles County is still weighing rather to allow the reopening of indoor shop operations for hair salons, as Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer and the Board of Supervisors discussed under new state guidelines on Tuesday, September 1. Ferrer...
WOODLAND HILLS—The New York based Signature Bank sent out a press release July 8 announcing the expansion to Los Angeles to compliment its San Francisco counterparts. The commercial bank founded in 2001 and remains to be one of the 40...
CALIFORNIA—Starting his weekend, according to CBS Los Angeles, all golf courses as well as trails will be open to the public Saturday May 9. LA county regional, community, and local parks will also be open to the public on...
UNITED STATES—If you’re looking for a quick way to diversify your stock market portfolio, without spending a lot of extra cash, then you may be drawn to the potential of the penny trading industry. Although you don’t actually buy...
BEVERLY HILLS—The luxury department store Barneys New York filed for bankruptcy on Monday, August 5, and announced that it is closing 15 of its locations. Only seven stores will remain open  including locations in Beverly Hills, San Francisco, Boston...

Saving More Money

UNITED STATES—Money management, it’s something we continue to talk about a ton, but for good reason. Americans are in debt and it seems that debt is growing more nowadays than in the past. We know why that is? More...
UNITED STATES—Whenever you buy something, you always get a receipt. For most people, they keep the receipt until they get home, than it’s tossed in the trash. I’m going to share something with you that many of you might...
UNITED STATES—As much as I love the holidays, I’m kind of glad that we are near the end of 2017. Why? Well I’ve amounted a bit of debt and it’s time to start saving as 2018 ushers itself in....
UNITED STATES—I haven’t played a video game in nearly 20 years America. Yes, it really has been that long for me. So last week I talked about one of the hottest items hit the store shelves just in time...
UNITED STATES—Described as having twisted plots, topsy-turvy dialogue, and story themes that extend human-thinking ‘out-of-the-box,’ Barry Ghabaei, the creator of Wondrous Fiction, has pioneered a genre of fiction where, in his words, “No rules exist!” After completing his MFA dissertation...
UNITED STATES—I can’t believe it, the game that totally shaped me as a kid keeping me entertained for hours and days is resurfacing. Yup, if you were born in the 1980s or 1990s, you are well aware of the...
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