BEVERLY HILLS—On March 15, the Beverly Hills Police Department announced on their Facebook page that a grand theft suspect had been arrested.
The BHPD reported a suspect committed a grand theft on Rodeo Drive. While walking away, authorities utilized their Real Time Watch Center technology and personnel were able to track him to where he committed another grand theft several blocks away.
“Still hot on his trail, our Virtual Patrol Officers (VPOs) informed our patrol officers that the suspect had left our City’s jurisdiction,” the BHPD stated.
An hour after the crimes were committed, officers were able to locate the suspect. The suspect tried to run away, but officers were faster and took him into custody. The name of the suspect and items stolen have not been disclosed to the public.
“Let this be a reminder: don’t commit crime in Beverly Hills; we will track you down even outside our City limits,” the BHPD said in a post on Facebook.