BEVERLY HILLS-A press release from the City of Beverly Hills has announced that the City Council have voted to build an “off-leash dog park” in the Entertainment Business District.
The location of the dog park will be on “City-owned property,” a five-acre site on the southeast corner of Foothill Road and Alden Drive. The site is currently occupied by West Coast Arborist, who will be relocated to a another site on the same parcel.
The dog park is planned to cover a half-acre, and estimated to cost $298,000. The City Council announced that cost will be determined according to “the design of the dog park and the competitive bidding process.”
Mayor Lili Bosse stated she is “thrilled that there soon will be a destination within walking distance for many residents where dogs can play off leash and dog owners can meet and get to know one another.”
Residents may contribute funds towards the dog park through the Beverly Hills Community Charitable Foundation. For more information or to make a donation, call the Community Services Office at (310) 285-2536.