HOLLYWOOD—Hunter was brutally blindsided last week with an idol that he should have played during that ‘dramatic’ Tribal Council on “Survivor.” Well the aftermath of that chaos was explored in this week’s episode, ‘Run the Red Light’ where I feel like the writing might be on the wall for Tiffany, and if she doesn’t pick up on the antics from the previous TC.
You know who was not happy with Hunter being voted out, Liz. Liz was quite the first half of the game, but things have significantly picked up for her. Yes, Liz hold in your composure, you were just hoodwinked where people don’t want to let her know what is going on. So this was indeed a split vote, and Liz let her rage come out, wow, even Venus knew about the split vote.
Ben, please shut up like you’re playing some genius game. You have been (quite literally) the most invincible player in this game. Tiffany, please get over your rage for Q; it is about to torch your game. Maria was trying to build a bond with Q realizing that he could be an asset to her game. It is indeed a smart move; don’t kick a player when they’re down. This is a move I like from Maria; she realizes bigger targets are in the game that should be at the top of the list.
Kenzie, Maria and Charlie chatted about Q being useful to their game. Maria totally wants Tiffany out, so does Kenzie, it makes me worry about Kenzie trying to build that ‘resume’ that so many players aim to accomplish. Jeff just get to the Reward Challenge, jeez this psychological analysis is not fun to watch; not a single bit. Jeff made it be made the winner would enjoy Applebee’s, and they would get the opportunity to feast like kings and queens.
Liz, calm down please. I feel sorry for Liz if she is NOT victorious or not chosen by the winner. It was so obvious at the start of this episode, that Q would be the star and get a moment to shine and he did, winning this Reward Challenge and building some bonds in the process. Not many people were happy with Q taking that win, and now things get interesting, as he could choose three people to join him, and it gave them the opportunity to spend overnight at the Sanctuary. Oh, he chose Tiffany to repair that bond, and selected Maria who showed a bit of care.
I’m sorry, even with Liz caring I would not have selected her; she comes across a bit bratty and how you treat people goes a long way, and he brought Kenzie in spite of Liz shedding tears. Wow, Liz totally reacted with pure emotion and she screamed, yelled and that just proved to me that she is not cut out for this game. Liz was spilling a bit much and I don’t know if his makes her a liability or not, I wonder how everyone else feels about her now.
So, there are two people who want Tiffany out, who is on this reward with her, and now Liz goes back to camp with Charlie, Ben and Venus. Sorry, Liz if you have dietary restrictions, “Survivor” might not be the game for you. This is a game for $1 million and I’m not playing best buddies. We know strategy is about to be chatted between these four, I’m most eager to see what names Tiffany and Q will toss and what Kenzie and Maria would say. Venus and Liz were potential targets, but Kenzie and Maria were a bit quiet. I wonder if we would see another idol come into play people.
Kenzie still didn’t feel any loyalty to Q despite him choosing her for the Reward Challenge. Yeah, it was a bit too much food for any one person to eat. Liz is not cut out for this game. I guess I would have a bit more sympathy if she wasn’t so brutally honest about how she felt after NOT being selected for the Reward, but hearing a bit about her backstory with her daughter that did soften my heart quite a bit. This game is a rollercoaster; you despise someone one second and the next your heart is aching for them.
While Q went for a walk, Kenzie and Tiffany made it clear that Q has to be out of this game. Maria was not ready to take him out the game. Maria, Kenzie, Tiffany and Q returned from their feast and Liz is still simmering with rage over the food because no one ate the burger. Why would you guys talk about Applebees knowing that Liz can’t eat any of those things. It was big of Liz to apologize to Q about her behavior, but we later discovered Liz was completely lying about her truth.
Maria updated Charlie that Venus or Liz were targets, and it seems Tiff or Q are on the chopping block. Here we go again another Immunity Challenge about balance and steadiness. I think this one might involve a bit more strength. Jeff wanted a barter again this time for rice. Either four people sit out or give up two votes, and they can have rice. Kenzie stepped out, but Jeff noted whoever stepped out next would get a jar of their own rice.
Liz, go for the damn rice jeez, with everyone else not competing. This feels like strength will play a massive role in this, with Venus being the first one out, soon followed by Ben, and ultimately Q who could not hold on any longer, which saw Ben, Liz and Venus ecstatic. So the final two were Charlie and Tiffany. Damn, I wish people would stop talking when these challenges are unfolding; it is such a massive distraction. I’m sorry, but Charlie is just not a likeable character for me, and he won his second Immunity Challenge.
Tiffany if you don’t open your eyes to the fake that you could easily be booted and you have an idol, and everyone knows you have one; you better damn play it. Wow, another player going home with an idol in their pocket is just terrible gameplay. Maria wanted to make a move, but Kenzie was not feeling it.
Kenzie and Tiffany spotted Maria chatting with Q and wondering what she might be up to. Maria tossed out targeting Tiffany and utilized Q to make that move. Ben you have not been thinking about anything. Maria, not telling Kenzie about this blindside is not smart. So the question of whether Liz or Venus would be better is quite dangerous. Maria chatted with Liz about going after Tiffany and Liz realized that Maria is making this move as a jury resume icing.
So what is happening at this Tribal Council? A bunch of nothing. Yeah, this feels like a stale TC in my opinion. Q you are talking a little bit too much and that may not be a good thing. Something feels slightly off here, the conversation is not feeling authentic, and why Tiffany is not picking up on this I will never understand. I have not been wowed by a TC in such a long time and I’m annoyed. I want to see some actual strategy in “Survivor” and I’m not getting it where people can see obvious signs. Whenever you think its an easy vote, it is never an easy vote, wow, Tiffany did not play it and she was blindsided as a result. Venus and Kenzie were blindsided as well by the move that was made. Liz that hurts your game and Maria that truly hurts your game.
Kenzie is going to want blood and I can see how she wins this game moving forward now. If anyone goes home next week besides Q, I will be happy as hell. I want to see Maria, Charlie or Liz get a taste of their own medicine. From the preview, next week we MIGHT GET AN ACTUAL IDOL PLAY THIS SEASON, and at the final seven. Yeah, “Survivor” needs to stop letting people hold onto their idols until the final five. There needs to be more limitations to shake up the game. Until next week “Survivor” fanatics!