UNITED STATES—I have not seen so many people chat about the WNBA in years and I mean years. It is almost bigger and more newsworthy than the actual NBA. Those not in the know, the NBA Finals kicked off this week between the Boston Celtics and the Dallas Mavericks. Guess what, I’m not that intrigued to watch the NBA Finals, I truly haven’t in almost 15-20 years. The NBA Playoffs just became so predictable and it was always the same teams competing for the championship and what fun is that?

I will admit the 2024 season has been a bit intriguing, but it is no challenge compared to all the media buzz and blitz around the WNBA. I don’t think I have heard of so many people talking about the WNBA in years and people can get mad all they want, but I’m going to say it. Caitlin Clark.

She has rejuvenated a level of intrigue for women’s sports, especially collegiate and professional basketball. When you have a female college basketball game drawing in more viewers than an NBA game, that is something to chat about people. She broke all sorts of records at the collegiate level, and I am sure it is just a matter of time before she begins breaking records in the professional league as well.

Is Clark off to a rocky start? Sure, I mean playing college basketball and professional basketball is not the same thing and I wish people would see and understand that. At the same time, the amount of hate this woman is receiving is just ridiculous and unnecessary. Colleagues of hers in the WNBA are just jealous and petty. Sorry, I’m saying it. This woman has people talking about your sport when people haven’t talked about the WNBA in years.

You’re having people watch games and attend games, the media is talking about the WNBA non-stop. Stop with the hate already. I mean commentators on ESPN calling this woman out of her name, violent fouls, just the spark of controversy around Caitlin Clark is just damn brutal. Let the woman live her life and if anything, those elders in the league should take Clark under their wing.

Look, I get it, you all didn’t get the shine you all thought you deserved but is that not Clark’s fault. No. That is not, and people need to just get over it. Even Angel Reese is asking for credit for the popularity of the WNBA. Reese you played a role, you and Clark had a bit of a beef in 2023, but your presence is not as powerful as Clark, so just live with it. Instead of these women trying to be in a sisterhood encouraging and empowering one another, they are tearing one of their own down and it just sad to witness. It is not fun reading, watching or hearing about it on a constant basis. I’m just hoping Clark is allowing the people to talk and just keep playing basketball as she is doing. She has plenty of endorsements and money coming her way even with that paltry paycheck she is receiving for the year from the WNBA, so her focus should be on expanding her career and any opportunities that come her way. I also think that is impacting how some of the players, media commentors and the public in general see Caitlin Clark.

Clark has turned the WNBA into something people are excited about that is not something people could chat about a year ago, five years ago, hell a decade ago. How about we empower this woman for what she is doing for women’s sports instead of trying to tear her down each opportunity that arises.

Written By Davy Jones