HOLLYWOOD—The penultimate episode of “The Chi” before the season five finale was perhaps one of the best episodes of the season in my opinion. I have NOT been thrilled with this season, it has been a drag in my personal opinion, but this episode, ‘I’m Looking For a New Thing’ has the stage set for what is certain to be an explosive finale. For starters, the audience got to witness the fallout between Kiesha, Emmett, Tiffany and Rob. Rob was taken aback with the news and the fact that Tiffany kept quiet for so long. Kiesha, I was surprised by her reaction.
She seemed more upset with Emmett even though he was the one to resist the advances people. It gives me that confidence that Kiesha still has some trust issues with Emmett people, but we shall see what happens. Trig is still holding onto the façade of who he truly is which annoyed Fatima who kicked him to the curb. Trig aka Victor you are going to have to come clean at some point if you want to find true love.
Your political future might be hanging in the balance if your secret is exposed to the rest of the world. Shaad was hoping his secret tryst with Victor’s beard stayed under lock and key, but the funny thing is that she planned to spill nothing and I got confirmation she slept with Rosalyn to ensure she has the finer things in life. At least she was being honest people.
Kevin got busted by his moms with wads of cash in his drawer and his mother suspected he was doing drugs. He was NOT and he was adamant about the issue, but without Kevin being able to provide sufficient proof what does he expect them to believe people? Continuing on the teen front, Papa and Jake nearly came to blows as they realized their relationship was at a crossroads. The two pals talked things out and it became clear they realized they have to work on their friendship if they want to keep it as strong as it has become.
Bakari, who would have known this wanna be thug who has seen some things is turning a new leaf thanks to Shaad and Papa giving him a bit of guidance. The robbing and reckless behavior is stopping as he apologized to Jemma and Jake about the loss of their baby and shared a moment and tender kiss with Lynae. Oh, I wonder how Kevin is going to feel when he learns what Lynae has been up to.
Darnell and Jada was preparing for their big day, where Jada wanted to be sensible, but Darnell wanted to give his wife to be a wedding day that is perfect and one that she will never forget. Jada has a point you can spend all that money, but at the end of the day who are you trying to impress your wife or your wedding guests? The big moment of the hour transpired during the final moments where Douda started to realize no matter how much you attempt to change a leopard can never change its spots.
He resorted by to his old ones by delivering a bullet into his mentor and former ally Quentin, who came to expect it. Is Quentin dead? It feels like the series is heading in that direction, but I was more unnerved at the fact that Tracy cosigned the move. She didn’t really tell Douda NOT to do it, but at the same time, she wasn’t pushing for her lover to find another way. I swear the character of Tracy has always annoyed me; she is an enigma who makes no sense, but always seems to be in the middle of something that I cannot understand for the life of me.
The season finale looks like fire as something someone alluded to me a few weeks ago might manifest into actual danger as Jake finds himself staring at the barrel of a gun. I can’t wait till Sunday, September 4 people.