UNITED STATES—Most people will already know that the legalization of sports gambling in the US from 2018 has seen many states come up with new legislation to allow big players in the gambling industry to make deals for large parts of the sports betting market in those states that have allowed this kind of gambling.
California are still one of the states yet to legalize this gambling but it’s expected to go through soon, but who will be allowed to operate this kind of gambling remains to be seen.
Indian tribes have had the monopoly on casino gambling until now but it seems that with this new change coming that the jousting for that monopoly will begin with big players like DraftKings and FanDuel waiting in the wings.
If you are someone from California or planning to visit and are interested in where you might be able to gamble, you can see where there will be legal California betting presented here by legalsportsbettingstates.com.
Here we will take a closer look at what’s going on with CA’s gambling laws.
Tribal Monopoly
Significant tribal casino operators hit first with a move that would expand their betting monopoly to sports betting, qualifying it for the 2022 polling.
This tribal measure would see the legalization of sports betting but only within their already existing casinos and venues operated by the tribes themselves. This would also see online betting not being allowed, obviously to keep away the online casino and sportsbook competition. There is also another measure in place backed by three of the casino owning tribes that would see online gambling being operated and controlled solely by those tribes.
On the other side of it there are three other drives being worked on that would see the tribal monopoly lifted and allow the entrance into the CA gambling industry of the big names out there which want a piece of the action.
The card rooms and poker parlours are also trying to allow sports wagering in CA but within their own venues, adding to the competition that the Californian tribes face to hold on to their monopoly on the gambling industry within the state.
If you’re looking for some alternatives to gambling in CA then why not check out the latest events going on in the state.
Homelessness Effort
Another measure that’s supported by several mayors within the CA region is one backed by FanDuel and DraftKings seeing the pledge of millions to a measure that would allow them to operate in CA as well as providing money towards homelessness and other charitable efforts.
A large number of dollars are as of now being spent by the backers of the four initiatives and they’ve started with dueling advertising efforts ahead of what vows to be a torrent of TV and internet publicizing to convince electors to pick one over the others.
Given the long stretches of authoritative impasse on the issue, it’s hard to see the contending interests consenting to evenly divide the pie, however it’s anything but a unimaginable goal.
It would be of no surprise if a huge number of dollars are spent on the measures one year from now, in light of the fact that the large numbers spent contrasted with the billions of betting dollars that would course through the hands of whichever party can guarantee lawful power.
All things considered, it’s additionally conceivable that the missions will be bypassed by a political arrangement. The people who support polling measures can eliminate them from the voting form assuming their requests are met by legislation.
If all this talk of sports betting has put you in the mood to read up on some of the latest sports news from California then look no further than here.
In Conclusion
So as is the case with many of the US states at the moment, it is very much undecided what the new legislation for gambling within CA will be but it does seem as if it will be legalized in some form soon. Whether that means you will need to find your closest tribal owned casino or whether you will see the appearance of many new sports betting venues and even online sites for your gambling needs, time will tell.
If you are interested in learning some more about the history of gambling in CA then you can find an interesting article and podcast about the history of Santa Monica’s gambling boats and the kingpin behind them.