UNITED STATES—Car accidents can cause different types of injuries. Those who are lucky walk away with minor bruises, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, a car crash can cause catastrophic and life-altering injuries. No one would disagree that a limb amputation is not only severe but also that it will change the victim’s life forever. While the physical injury is apparent, the victim’s mental health is also sure to suffer. Fortunately, they can take steps to regain control over their permanently altered life.

If you’ve suffered a catastrophic injury and are seeking accountability and compensation, speak to a car accident lawyer in Connecticut. You’re entitled to much more than simply having your medical bills reimbursed.

A Legal Guide for Amputee Victims After a Car Accident

The loss of a limb due to a careless driver can take its toll on the victim physically, emotionally, and financially. Some victims may feel angry, hopeless, and frustrated. Amputees may need to relearn many basic functions, which could take months or years, depending on their circumstances. While learning how to cope with the loss of a limb, many will be unable to earn a living during this time. Fortunately, they can ease their financial burdens and responsibilities by filing a personal injury lawsuit.

Sometimes, after an accident that causes the loss of a limb, the at-fault party’s insurance company may reach out and offer a quick settlement. Under no circumstances should they sign on the dotted line and cash the check. It’s the job of an insurance claim adjuster to limit their client’s liability and to pay at the least amount in a settlement offer. Without the negotiation savvy of a personal injury attorney, you won’t get the best deal. Here’s how accident victim amputees can ensure they’re adequately compensated.

Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Regardless of how obvious the guilty party is in an accident that results in an amputation, an experienced personal injury attorney is a must. Insurance companies may be quick to settle, but without an attorney on your side negotiating for the best possible settlement that compensates the plaintiff for all past, present, and future expenses, you’ll be left with the bare minimum. Connecticut’s personal injury statute of limitations is two years, so it’s important to begin working with an attorney sooner rather than later.

Gather Strong Evidence

As the plaintiff in a personal injury claim, you must prove negligence, injury, and damages. While an amputation may be obvious, you’ll still need to provide evidence of how it has caused hardship. This goes well beyond mere medical bills and should include compensation for the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Loss of income and benefits
  • Cost of prosthetic devices
  • Transportation costs to and from medical appointments
  • Ongoing rehabilitation and treatment
  • If unable to perform household chores, the cost of housekeeping and lawn care service

Also to be included are non-economic damages such as:

  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Emotional trauma
  • PTSD
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of contingency

You have the legal right to seek compensation for easily quantifiable economic and non-economic damages that aren’t so easy to tally. Your lawyer will investigate your case and determine all damages you can recover.

Don’t Agree to a Recorded Statement

The defendant’s insurance company may offer you the opportunity to tell your story. While this may seem like a friendly gesture and a chance for you to rant, it’s not recommended. What they’re doing is baiting you into saying something that can be used against you to limit their client’s liability. If contacted by the defendant’s insurance company or legal team, kindly refer them to your lawyer. Never say anything unless directed by your legal team.

Amputation and Car Accident Claims Explained

Victims of a car accident who’ve lost a limb have the legal right to file a personal injury lawsuit in an attempt to recover damages. However, without the guidance and negotiation savvy of an experienced lawyer, they most likely won’t receive the compensation they deserve. Insurance companies are notorious for denying non-economic claims, but this doesn’t negate their value.

To ensure that accident victims are fully compensated, seek guidance from an experienced personal injury lawyer before pursuing legal claims.