BEVERLY HILLS—Avra in Beverly Hills is working with the city’s “Open BH” program to expand outdoor seating in order to continue in-person service for their restaurant. The establishment which specializes in Greek cuisine is located at 233 N. Beverly Drive,. They expanded their outdoor seating to the street, as Beverly Hills City Councilmember Lili Bosse demonstrated through a video she posted on Instagram. With the help of the company Plant Ground Bloom, planter boxes were placed as a new border to separate the sidewalk from the expanded outdoor seating of the restaurant.

Tables will be placed six feet apart to ensure the safety of customers. Face masks are not required when seated and eating at the table, but are required when walking into and anywhere within the restaurant.
Los Angeles County’s protocol states that no indoor dining is permitted in restaurants or other food facilities. As a result, the “Open BH” program was formed to allow restaurants to temporarily expand their services and seating to areas such as parking lots and sidewalks.
In order to receive a permit to expand outdoor dining, restaurants need to complete a special event permit application, Certificate of Insurance, a layout following social distancing protocols, and an Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Permit if needed.
For more information on the “Open BH” program visit Questions can also be directed at or 310-285-2408.