MALIBU—Construction work on an underground utilities project on Broad Beach Road began on Monday, October 18. The project will reposition unsightly overhead wiring underground along the coastline to improve visibility and the overall aesthetic of the area.
The repositioning of the wires underground will also increase power reliability in the area, resulting in fewer outages, according to Southern California Regional Public Affairs Official Marvin Jackmon.
The project is located at the west end of Broad Beach Road, around the intersections of Cottontail Lane, Seafield Drive and Sea Level Drive. The area will be subjected to intermittent lane closures and traffic will be reduced to one lane during the construction period.
The project, being conducted by Southern California Edison, is expected to be completed by the end of the year, according to Malibu Public Works Superintendent Richard Calvin. Calvin states that while this completion date should be reached on time, there is a possibility that work will last longer due to the general unpredictability of construction projects. The idea for the project was initiated by residents of the neighborhood who voiced their concerns to city officials.
For more information on the project, contact Richard Calvin or contact Southern California Edison at or by calling 1-800-655-4555.