BEVERLY HILLS—The city of Beverly Hills will partake with the state of California and the County and City of Los Angeles to participate in the annual “Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill” on Thursday, October 21 at 10:21 a.m.
The city indicated in a press release that at the time of the annual earthquake drill, individuals are asked to stop what they are doing and react as if an actual earthquake is transpiring by dropping to the ground, taking cover under a sturdy item and hold on.
Customers visiting city buildings during the drill will be directed to take the same action. The drill is expected to last approximately two minutes and customer service to the public will be temporarily disrupted. In addition to the safety drill, staff will partake in a variety of earthquake preparedness activities, including practicing the activation of the EERT (Employee Emergency Response Team), rehearsing initial reporting and compiling of information on City facility damage, city injuries, and department status, and exercising operating the City’s Emergency Operations Center and Department Operations Center.
“In light of the recent earthquakes that have occurred globally, the City is committed to ensuring both the public and its staff are prepared if a disaster occurs,” said Meena Janmohamed, Beverly Hills Emergency Management Manager. “We encourage all residents and businesses to participate in this year’s drill so that they can take the correct action when the time comes to do so.”
The “Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill” will occur across the nation and several countries worldwide. Participants include individuals, schools, businesses, local and state government agencies and other groups. To take part in the “Great ShakeOut,” participants and organizations are asked to join the drill by registering at
For more details on earthquake preparedness, visit or dial 310-285-1014.