UNITED STATES—The holidays are indeed upon us, and for many Americans it is a time of great celebration and all things good, however, that may not be the case for everyone. This particular time of year can be quite difficult for some people who have lost loved ones or recently dealt with tragedy. I am bringing this up as my sister recently lost her father and that is a devastating blow to deal with. Can you imagine losing a parent right around the holidays?
I cannot imagine that, but the reality of the situation is that has transpired for many Americans, and it is an everyday occurrence one that not many people can imagine. December is a month that is quite tumultuous for my older sister because she has experienced some serious grief during the month. Years back her husband died about two weeks before Christmas, so each December she is reminded of his death and that has to be difficult for her and her kids.
Now tack on the task of her having to bury her father just two days before Christmas, yes, the funeral is fast approaching and right before Xmas and it just knocks you into a reality that death is potent. It is sometimes happening around you when you least expect and it hits you, life is short. You have to love those who are in your orbit while you have them. You really have no idea when the clock is ticking on someone who is dear to your life.
We are not promised tomorrow, and these recent tragedies are just a reminder for me that people deal with grief in different ways. I would never tell someone how to grieve a loved one. I think you just have to allow them to go through the stages and come to you when they’re ready to talk or open up to you. I just like people to know I’m thee for them whenever they need something or they are ready to talk. I send flowers if needed, I provide a card that actually explains how things are not great at the moment, but in due time you will learn to cope, but I keep it simple.
Everyone is not giddy about the Christmas tree, buying presents, planning Christmas dinner and doing a host of other things. They’re actually grieving at this time of year and that is something you have to be considerate of. There is sadness to go around and there is stress that some people are enduring that doesn’t resolve directly around Christmas at the moment people, so you have to be attentive to that.
My sister is not going to just come out and say how she is feeling and what she is grappling with, but I know it is a struggle and want to reassure her that if you want a shoulder to cry on, you need to unleash a cry or you need a good ole cry, you can do that with me. I can be the listening ear that you need me to be for you.
Written By Jason Jones