MALIBU—On February 29, the city of Malibu disclosed that on February 7 the city submitted an updated 2021-2029 draft Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for review.
The city reported on its website that State Housing Element law requires that each City and County identify and analyze existing and projected housing needs within their jurisdictions, and prepare goals, policies, programs, and quantified objectives to further the development, improvement, and preservation of housing.
The updated Draft Housing Element was prepared in response to a letter from HCD dated March 22, 2022. If additional comments are received from HCD, any required revisions will be considered and the draft will be re-submitted. Once HCD indicates the Housing Element is in compliance, public hearings are held by the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the re-adoption of the Housing Element. Once the Council adopts the revised Housing Element it will be submitted to HCD for final certification.
The updated Draft Housing Element was available for public review and comment from January 8, 2024, through January 24, 2024. City staff held office hours for those with inquiries. In addition, Malibu City Council held a study session on the draft on January 17, 2024.
If additional comments are received from HCD, any required revisions to the Housing Element will be made and the draft will be re-submitted. Once HCD indicates the Housing Element is in compliance, public hearings will be held by the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the re-adoption of the Housing Element. Once the City Council adopts the revised Housing Element it will be submitted to HCD for certification.
The four major and required components of the Housing Element are the following:
-Housing Needs Assessment: An analysis of the City’s demographic, household and housing characteristics and related housing needs.
-Housing Constraints: A review of potential market, governmental, and infrastructure constraints to meeting the City’s identified housing needs.
-Housing Resources: An evaluation of residential sites and financial resources available to address the City’s housing goals.
-The Housing Plan: A plan for addressing the City’s identified housing needs, constraints, and resources through housing goals, policies and programs.
Malibu, along with all jurisdictions in California, is mandated by California State Government Code Sections 65580 to 65589 to prepare Housing Element updates to its General Plan for State certification within a specified timeframe covering a range of years to reflect the most recent trends in demographics and employment that may affect existing and future housing demand and supply. The city of Malibu Housing Element must be updated and certified every 8 years.
The State of California Housing Element Law, enacted in 1969, mandates that local governments adequately plan to meet the existing and projected housing needs of the community in all economic levels. Included in this State law is the requirement that local governments adopt land use plans and regulatory systems that provide opportunities for, and do not unduly constrain, housing development.
Each city in California is required to plan for new housing to accommodate a share of regional needs. The Regional Housing Needs Assessment (“RHNA”) is the process established in State law by which each city’s housing needs are determined. Malibu falls within the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) for purposes of this process. SCAG has made the final RHNA allocation assigned to each member city for the October 2021 through October 2029 planning period available at its website.
For a complete history of Malibu’s Housing Element, visit the Housing Element History webpage.