Tag: republicans

Political Chaos In America Currently

UNITED STATES—Words cannot describe precisely what is unfolding in the world of politics right now as it pertains to the United States. I’m not...

It Is Going To Be A Long 2024

UNITED STATES—Jeez, it seems 2024 just started and I feel like it is going to be a horrible year when it comes to the...

Media Circus Mayhem

UNITED STATES—Talk about a media circus bloodbath on Monday, April 24. Whew that was the best way to describe what occurred with two of...

The Anxiety Of An Election

UNITED STATES—I have never had this level of anxiety waiting for the results of a presidential election for as long as I can remember....

States Sued For Continuing Stay-At-Home Measures

UNITED STATES—Stay-at-home orders have led to state officials to be sued by residents who feel it is not legal or fair. After the spread...

Chief Justice Roberts – What Are You Doing?

UNITED STATES─Watching this trial unfold on television, many of us might wonder why we who serve on juries don’t get the same advantages that...

Republicans Demanding Open Hearings – Be Careful What You Wish For

UNITED STATES—When Republican members of congress marched into the secure capitol basement SCIF room (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) where a Defense Department official was...

Kentucky, Please Ditch Mitch

UNITED STATES—Many of us across the country are perplexed as to why Kentuckians keep re-electing Mitch McConnell. His near total abdication of honorably running...

Democrats: Don’t Grab Defeat From Jaws Of Victory

UNITED STATES—Just because the democrats resoundingly recaptured the majority in the House, they shouldn't ramp up the far left rhetoric at this time. Progressive...

The Government Re-Opens, But Now What?

UNITED STATES—So after more than a month of being closed, the federal government has reopened its doors, with President Donald Trump, Speaker of the...

What About The Workers?

UNITED STATES—The federal government shutdown has now surpassed a record at 26 days as of Wednesday, January 14. As an American, I could care...

The Government Shut Down Will It End?

UNITED STATES—Well it has been close to two weeks since the federal government has gone into a partial shutdown. I note partial because the...

Public Decency

UNITED STATES—I’ve seen some things transpire lately in the news that have not left me happy to say the least. Some of you might...

Compelling Television

UNITED STATES—I was glued to the TV screen last week, I mean virtually glued and I was not able to pull myself away from...

Federal Government Shuts Down Again?!

UNITED STATES—Here we go again. Yup that is likely what many Americans said to themselves when the federal government shut down at 11:59 p.m....

Healthcare 101

UNITED STATES—For years we have had this ongoing debate between Republicans and Democrats about the issue of healthcare and health insurance in the United...

Supreme Court Melee

UNITED STATES—Well, we are back at it once again people. Democrats and Republicans are wielding their level of immaturity and power once again to...

Affordable Health Care Act Here To Stay

UNITED STATES—Well Donald Trump, um, President Donald Trump, you don’t always get what you want. Yeah, after months of professing to the American public...

L.A. County Sues State Of California Over Redistricting Law

LOS ANGELES—Los Angeles County filed a lawsuit on Monday, February 27 against the State of California over a new law that discriminates against 1 million...

Student Records “Anti-Trump” Lecture

CALIFORNIA—A professor at Orange Coast College (OCC) in Costa Mesa, was videotaped sharing her “anti-Trump” opinion after the election. The student who videotaped her...
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