PACIFIC PALISADES-On May 4, a small brush fire broke out at around 12:28 p.m. threatening homes in the Pacific Palisades area. Firefighters had been called to 17169 Avenida de Santa Ynez in the Palisades Highlands.
The fire raged on for 4 hours and 19 minutes, according to a report posted by Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) Spokesman, Brian Humphrey. Humphrey stated in the report that the wild fire consumed nearly 5 acres, “more than 250 firefighters from multiple agencies responded by ground and air Sunday afternoon to battle a swift-moving brush fire in the Santa Monica Mountains.”
Firefighters remained on-site overnight “to check for flare ups.” The LAFD kept the public updated on Twitter, announcing their progress during the containment of the fire. The updates on Twitter and in the report indicated that no formal evacuation was necessary and no injuries were reported.