SANTA MONICA—On Saturday, October 31, the city of Santa Monica announced the winners for the 2020 Cares Art contest. Out of the 60+ children who submitted artwork, three winners were chosen. The winners include Aoife, age 4, Nico, age 9, and Melinda, age 12. Each winner received a swag bag that included, A Santa Monica t-shirt, a children’s book authored by a Santa Monica local, a bike, a beach picnic, 4 passes to Pacific Park, and a Big Blue Bus toy.
Children aged 13 and younger were invited to show their appreciation for essential employees, frontlines workers, and the city’s collective commitment to recovery efforts. Winners were chosen based on their creativity and the depth of emotion portrayed in their artwork.
It was Aoife’s first time winning a contest. Her submission picture included glitter, rainbows, and thanks to frontline workers.
Nice, 9, stated, “They (essential workers) are doing so much for us so we should do everything we can, and we should care about them.” His point of view was: “You Matter, We Care.”
Melinda, 12, said that she wanted to highlight the cultural diversity of Los Angeles and Santa Monica through colorful puzzle pieces. She also included the Santa Monica Pier Sign, the Beach Bike Path, and the Ferris Wheel.
The city said in a statement that, “The committee that selected the winners were so impressed with the talent, creativity, and diversity shown in all submissions.”
The city also reported, “Thank you so much to each and every family for participating and for the creativity and inspiration shared by all! Thank you also to Santa Monica Travel and Tourism, Pacific Park, and Perry’s for their work to make this contest happen. Santa Monica rules!”