Tag: exercise

The Mall Experience Is Unique

UNITED STATES—I hate to say it, but it feels the experience of the mall is slowly dying America. People are not going, everyone is...

A Good Walk Goes A Long Way

UNITED STATES—Let’s face it, Americans do not like to exercise. It is just a stark reality, but there are things that we can do...

Exercise, Even If You Do Not Want To

UNITED STATES—Oh, exercise, I am certain it is something so many of us hate doing, but let’s face it, in order to stay healthy,...

How To Stay Consistent With Exercise

UNITED STATES—Working out can significantly transform your body, whether you are seeking a change as a New Year challenge or simply leveling up your...

How Can I Get A Flat Stomach Naturally Without Surgery?

UNITED STATES—Naturally, accomplishing a flat stomach includes exercise, diet, and general well-being. Healthy lifestyle choices are vital. While spot reduction (losing fat from a...

City Hosts Multi-Agency Exercise Based On A 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake

MALIBU—As part of its ongoing emergency preparedness efforts, Malibu conducted a multi-agency earthquake exercise on January 19 at Malibu City Hall based on the...

New Year, New Aspirations

UNITED STATES—Well people, 2022 has come to an end and 2023 has arrived. Another year is over and a New Year has started. So...

The Push To Exercise When You Don’t Want To

UNITED STATES—Ugh, exercising. It just is not that fun America, but the honest truth is we have to exercise or have some sort of...

Exercise Sometimes Requires A Schedule

UNITED STATES—We have all been told that we need to exercise more, we have to engage in actually physical activity at least 4-5 days...

Exercise Regimen Requires Discipline

UNITED STATES—If there is one thing I have learned about exercising is that it requires discipline and a plan. For those out there who...

10 Best Gym Shoes For Every Type Of Workout 2021

UNITED STATES—While a gym shoe can be imparted based on various factors such as traction, gripping, breathless it’s better choose a pair depending upon...

Exercise Starts With A Commitment

UNITED STATES—Commitment. It is a word that many of us fear. However, it is a commitment that pushes us to accomplish things that we...

8 Best Ways To Spend Your Free Time In 2021

UNITED STATES—Let’s be honest, even before 2020, many people had a lot of free time on their hands. Unfortunately, people often think they are...

Quarantine Health Crisis

UNITED STATES—We can sit here and ignore the elephant in the room if we want, but the truth remains, many Americans put on a...

You Are Responsible For Your Health

UNITED STATES—Health, it’s a loaded word, especially when people ask you how is your health. We are always inclined to say all is great,...

Staying Safe Walking In Fresno this Summer

UNITED STATES─Fresno is a fairly walkable city getting a ranking of the 26th most walkable city of its size in the US and a...

Light Weight Summer Sports Masks

MALIBU—On Tuesday, May 26, a Malibu vendor was selling special faces masks for joggers, bikers, and people working out. A vendor known as Malibu Knits...

Calisthenics With Redefining Strength Cori Lefkowith

LIFESTYLES—The recent shutdowns of gyms around the world, consequently, has led to a shortage of gym equipment. You might be thinking "How in the...

Exercising When It Is Hard To Exercise!

UNITED STATES─I will be the first to admit my exercise habits have been terrible of late and it’s not because I don’t want to...

A Workout Outdoors

UNITED STATES─Who would have guessed that shoveling a little bit of snow would have been such a mess. It hasn’t snowed in months in...
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