Tag: America
President Trump Speaks Out Against Supreme Court Ruling On Tax Returns
WASHINGTON— On Thursday, July 9, the Supreme Court ruled 7-1 in favor of Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., who is seeking President Trump’s...
Violence And Hate Overload In America
UNITED STATES─I don’t know how to say this, but I have been disgusted with the level of violence and hate that has seemed to...
Peter Lenkov Fired From CBS
HOLLYWOOD—On Tuesday, July 7, CBS Television Studios announced that it fired producer Peter Lenkov, 56, after a human resources investigation conducted within the studio....
US Sends Aircraft Carriers To South China Sea
UNITED STATES—Two American aircraft carriers were sent to the South China Sea as of Saturday, on July 5, to remind China of their claims...
Russian Billionaire Wants To Buy Two U.S. Statues
NEW YORK— Andrei Filatov, a Russian billionaire, businessman, and art collector has offered to purchase two U.S. statues that have been called for removal...
Thousands Of Americans Remain Stranded In Yemen
UNITED STATES—As of Friday, July 3, thousands of Americans remain stranded in Yemen, since the international borders were closed in mid-March due to the...
Will America Ever Be The Same Post COVID-19?
UNITED STATES─If you were to ask me a month ago where things stood in America regarding the coronavirus crisis, I would say we were...
Stars Sing Songs Of Hope, “Anything Is Possible!”
HELLO AMERICA!─As usual America’s most talented artists eagerly come to the aid of those who need support in dealing with the current challenge of...
U.S. And Russian Officials To Meet For Nuclear Arms Negotiations
WASHINGTON— On Monday, June 9, Special Presidential Envoy for Arms Control Marshall Billingslea announced that U.S. and Russian officials will meet to negotiate nuclear...
Having Dinner With The Angels, Hopefully
HELLO AMERICA!—Looking all the millions of protesters from all over the globe also forced me to be aware of all the famous, iconic artists...
Retired St. Louis Police Captain Killed Outside Pawn Shop
MISSOURI—David Dorn, 77, a retired St. Louis Police Captain, was shot and killed by looters when he was protecting his friend’s pawn shop during...
Utah National Guard Evicted From Hotels In D.C.
AMERICA–On Thursday, June 4, Muriel Bowser, the Mayor of Washington, D.C., officially requested President Donald Trump to withdraw all extraordinary federal law enforcement and...
D.C. Paints “Black Lives Matter” On The Street
AMERICA–On Friday, June 5, Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced the section of 16th street in front of the White House is officially renamed as...
Derek Chauvin Charged With Second Degree Murder
Derek Chauvin, 44, who had been working with the Minneapolis Police Department for 19 years, was charged on Wednesday, June 3 with second-degree murder...
Memorial Day COVID-19 Restrictions By State Color
UNITED STATES—On Monday, May 25, Americans across the United States will observe Memorial Day in honor of those who died while serving in the...
Biden Makes Nickname For Trump: President Tweety
UNITED STATES—Joe Biden, 77, posted a video on Tuesday, May 19 to discuss the hold on stimulus checks and gave President Donald Trump, the...
YouTube Takes Down Judy Mikovits Plandemic
AMERICA—On Wednesday May 6, Youtube has been taking down videos that criticize the government's management of the COVID-19 pandemic including Judy Mikovits Plandemic video.
Do What You Love America
UNITED STATES─What do you love America? Let me repeat, what do you love, not who do you love? We can get into a major...
September 11, 2001 18 Years Later
UNITED STATES—It is hard to fathom that it has been 18 years since the United States was dramatically changed forever when we were attacked...
Protections For All But Those Born-Alive In Abortion
UNITED STATES—The constitutional rights of unborn children of United States citizens may be at stake. The U.S. Senate voted 53-44 in favor of the...