Tag: Ezekiel
“The Walking Dead” Recap: ‘Faith’
HOLLYWOOD—Last week was a big episode of “The Walking Dead” as the audience discovered the kids were being held at Alexandria by Pamela Milton...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘Outpost 22’
HOLLYWOOD—Last week set the stage for the viewers to figure out where our protagonists were being held captive on “The Walking Dead.” This week’s...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘Trust’
HOLLYWOOD—I was impressed with last week’s episode of “The Walking Dead.” It was fun, exciting and brought me back into the foray of why...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘The Lucky Ones’
HOLLYWOOD—Well, things just keep get more interesting on “The Walking Dead” people. So Stephanie might not be Stephanie, but she is indeed Max, the...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘New Haunts’
HOLLYWOOD—I thought last week’s episode of “The Walking Dead” was one of the best of the season people. So the question everyone wanted to...
“The Walking Dead” Kicks Off Its Final Season!
HOLLYWOOD—The end is near people. “The Walking Dead” is about to come to the end after 11 seasons and that 11th season kicked off...
“The Walking Dead” Recap: ‘Splinter’
HOLLYWOOD—It looks like “The Walking Dead” is focused on character arcs for the remaining episodes of the season. Last week, Father Gabriel and Aaron,...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘Look At The Flowers’
HOLLYWOOD─Well last week was the sendoff of the iconic character Michonne on “The Walking Dead,” and while bittersweet I am happy we are getting...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘Morning Star’
HOLLYWOOD─The war has been brewing for a long time between The Whisperers and our heroes on “The Walking Dead.” Well Sunday’s episode, ‘Morning Star’...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘What It Always Is’
HOLLYWOOD—This was indeed an interesting episode of “The Walking Dead” as it became clear ‘The Whisperers’ have a bigger plan in place to teach...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘Silence The Whisperers’
HOLLYWOOD—Last week, audiences discovered that Carol was traveling down a dark path on “The Walking Dead.” This week the threat of the Whisperers continued...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘The Storm’
HOLLYWOOD—We have been waiting patiently and after last week’s gut-wrenching penultimate episode, that saw the demise of 10 characters, including fan favorites as The...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘Chokepoint’
HOLLYWOOD—The stakes were raised in epic fashion during last week’s episode of “The Walking Dead,” with Daryl invading the Whisperers camp to rescue Henry....
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘Bounty’
HOLLYWOOD—Last week audiences got their first look at Alpha (Samantha Morton), the woman who leads ‘The Whisperers’ on “The Walking Dead.” This week’s episode,...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘Who Are You Now?’
HOLLYWOOD—All I can say is after last week’s stunning episode of “The Walking Dead,’ which saw the departure of its lead character Rick Grimes,...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘Honor’
HOLLYWOOD—Audiences have been treated to some heart-wrenching moments of the AMC hit “The Walking Dead,” but I can’t recall an episode of this magnitude...
Stunner On “Walking Dead” Recap: ‘How It’s Gotta Be’
HOLLYWOOD—There have been plenty and I mean plenty of stunning moments on the AMC hit “The Walking Dead” either during the season premiere or...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘Monsters’
HOLLYWOOD—Well, well, it looks like Jesus and his self-righteous attitude is about to put the Alexandrians, The Hilltop and The Kingdom in grave danger,...
“Walking Dead” Recap: ‘The Damned’
HOLLYWOOD—Last week’s premiere for “The Walking Dead” was an absolute thrill-a-minute, so I only expected the madness to heighten during this week’s episode, ‘The...
“The Walking Dead” Season 8 Premiere Recap: ‘Mercy’
HOLLYWOOD—I’m going to be honest, I wish the AMC hit “The Walking Dead” actually premiered at the beginning of October instead towards the end...